It has taken me a few days to actually come back to reality, go through the pictures and appreciate what an awesome party we had this last Saturday. Although John and I are completely mentally and emotionally drained, we will remember the Playboy Party FOREVER! What fun!
The party was once again held at the Stonehurst Mountain Estate, which we started decorating early the morning already. Some of the people joined us for the rugby at Stonehurst, another ass kicking from the Springboks. Go Bokke! The party officially started at 19:00 for 19:30 and what a wonderful pleasure when we saw every single person made SUCH an effort with dressing up to the theme! What a fantastic theme! Look at how breathtaking our friends and family looked ....
Candz, Kirsty, myself and Sally the blow-up!
Ken, Debbie, Paul and Rose (John's family)
Rykie & Jacques, Rykie also won the best dressed girl. A real nurse in a real nurses outfit, tailored for a preggie belly!
Grant and the Birthday Boy. Those pants did not stay on for very long!!!
Our beautiful friends and neighbours, Martin & Kels
John's mom, Rose and Paul ... what a hot redhead!!!
Penny & Malcolm (Marc Levi's folks)
Paul (ina) and Fran ... yip, that beautiful blonde on the left is really a ... MAN ... who also won best dress guy for the evening!
Sam & Kendra .... nope, it's Dean!
Neil & Shannon, who never took her jacket off and then all of a sudden surprised us all with the most amazing bunny outfit!!!
Kirsty, Mike & Candz. Such an original outfit, he had "bunny chow" painted on his chest with all those carrots ... STUNNING!
Jacques introducing himself to Silly Sally!
There were 4 pregnant ladies, but the 3 of us are all 2 weeks apart ... wonder which one is popping first ... yip, it's me, then Erica on the left and then Rykie!
Matt, our chippendale Hef & Kirst!
Lllllauren & I
Marc loving Paul (ina)'s boob!
My sister- and mom-in-law hugging me and our little Baba Woollam (who also LOVED his/her daddies party!)
The birthday Boy and his brother-in-law, Ken. Check out that PIMP cup!!!
With my dad!
The promo Bentley for the new energy drink Pussy (can you believe it???) that just came out in SA, our models ... Grant & his fiance Kelly.
The birthday boy with his girlfriend for the night!
The 2 preggie friends ... Rykie & I
Ken & Debbie, John's sister
Big Rob, John and Saucy Sally
Just some of the platters of yummy food
The blonde bombshell Bianca and I
Erica & I with our two little babas in between
My dad and my husband!
Stupid Sally seems to make it into every single photo ... Garth, Martin and I!
Paul (ina) who mentioned to me that night that "girls are so lucky, 'cause they can lick their own boobs"! WHAT???? :)
Franny, the beautiful bride-to-be in January and I.
John ... still with his Sally!
Just another photie of the girls ... Debs, Franny, Paul (ina) and I :)
Kirsty hugging our little Woollam
Not too long ago, we were 8 years old playing Barbies and here we're are standing with a very proud grandpa-to-be. Friends forever!
That boob has been in everyone's mouth!!!!
Mommy-to-be LOVING life!
Daddy-to-be PIMPING it up big time!
Happy birthday my love, I'm so glad you had such a wonderful birthday with such amazing friends and family! We missed all the family that couldn't make it, you guys were all sorely missed!
With our folks, John, Paul, Rose (John's mom), Anton (my dad) and I!
We had such a great party that would not have been possible without such amazing friends, John and I realise every single day how blessed we are to have such a wonderful group of friends and such a supportive family. We love each and every single one of you so much and we can't wait to go through this wonderful life with so many memories and memories-to-come with you all!
Here's the next 30!
Lots of love ...
The Woollams!