Our Little Troy ...

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


No, it was not just to get your attention, we are REALLY moving to Johannesburg! The most asked questions when I tell anyone this really shocking sudden news ...

WHY? My amazing husband got the most incredible offer from a company in Johannesburg to be the new CEO of a company called On Demand. They're based in Bryanston, which is most probably were we will end up living. It was an offer we could not turn down. One thing I have learnt out of this whole experience ... NEVER say NEVER ... I "never" thought I would EVER move back to Joburg and probably told that to a million and one people, but here we go ...

and the second most asked question:

WHEN? Well, John is starting his new position mid-January, and if we have sold our beautiful house in Cape Town and bought an even more spectacular house :) in Joburg by that time, we will be there mid-January, otherwise we will probably be between Joburg and Cape Town, sorting out the sale of our house and getting all our stuff moved to our new adventure!

Adventure it is ... our new adventure with our beautiful baby boy!

So, seeing as our time as Capetonians are running low, we decided to make a list of everything we still need to see and places we would like to visit. If you have any ideas, please let us know, we don't want to miss anything! :) Now our weekends are packed and we're spending as much time as a little family before John commits himself to his new company!

The past few weeks, we've been ...

Troy went for his injections, it was HORRIBLE, I think I cried more than him. It's a totally different cry, when they are in pain.

Our little baba's legs after his ouch! His legs were pretty swollen, but a little bit of arnica oil quickly sorted it out!

To keep with tradition, Oupa came to visit for Halloween. That same day we received a little pressie from his Uncle Boets in France ... the cutest little Addidas takkies! How styling! They're still way to big, but we still made him wear them for a few min to take a few photies!

How adorable ...

Happy with his Oupa.

Playing under his jungle gym thingie!

Oupa giving him his bottle.

Who's the cutest little homeboy in his Baby Gap outfit?

He pulls himself up when you hold his hands and he's sooooo proud of himself afterwards with HUGE smiles.

I went to visit my mom's sister Cornelia and introduced my little bundle to his Great-Grandmother and Great-Grandfather.

With Cornelia

John plays waterpolo every Tuesday and matches every Thursday, so last Thursday Troy and I went to support his daddy in the cold.

Dressed for the cold poolside.
(This little outfit was also the first outfit I bought when I found out I was pregnant ... must have had a feeling deep down inside that I was going to have a little boy!)

With daddy after the match.

So proud of his little froggie!

Who's the cool dude with the shades? Posing with daddy and some of his teammates.

On Friday, the 6th, it was Noons' (Marc's sister) surprise sweet 16th birthday party.

Happy Birthday Noons, we hope you had the best surprise EVA!

Lauren and the sleeping beauty!

Penny (Marc's mom) and our cutie!

Noons, Marc & Lauren with the froggie!

Striking a pose with Marc ... MOLLLLLEEEE ... :)))

Marc with the beautiful frog

Team Woollam!

Saturday night we went to Garth's 30th, another cold and rainy night away from home, so the little frog had to be dressed up in his little bear outfit!

Our beautiful little bear!

We had the Cape Town Two Oceans Aquarium on our Cape Town "bucket list" ... so on Monday we ticked it off with Marc, Lauren, Tam (Marc's sister) and her little Georgia. But before the Aquarium, we had to stop off at Charlies Bakery ... another Cape Town MUST! What a fun day out!

Marc & Lauren at Charlies.

Mommy's cuppa and Troy's bikkie ... mommy and daddy helped him finish it!

Marc, Lauren, John and Troy in front of the Aquarium.

Marc, John, Troy and I

The lovely couple!

We saw these seals at the Waterfront and they had these red rings around their necks. At first it looked like collars, but after a good stare, we realised it was blood, perfect red flesh wounds. Then we saw this board explaining the wounded seals ... how tragic!

Keep our seas clean!!!

Troy on his first slide at the Aquarium.

Tam, Georgia and Lauren on a whale ride.

The group: Tam, Georgia, Lauren, Marc, John, Troy and I

Lauren and I surrounded my Nemos

Such a happy boy with his daddy!

Standing and just looking at EVERYTHING!

Team Woollam ... our Froggie!

Marc, Lauren, John and Troy at the Kelp Forest.

Marc, Lauren and Troy at the predators tank.

Troy, Jaws and I ... :)

The biggest sting-ray I've EVER seen!

We've been blessed with so much love, friendship and so many amazing memories. We wake up every morning excited about another beautiful day with the most perfect family!

Lots of love, light and sooooo much happiness,

The Woollams!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Our surprise birthday visit to Jo'burg!

It was Rose's actual 60th birthday on Wednesday the 28th. So to add to a million surprises for her, we decided to fly up, not tell anyone but Debs and Ken. It was a pretty big thing ... IT WOULD BE TROY'S FIRST TIME ON A PLANE! We left for the airport at a very early hour, through a thunder storm that would even scare the Jo'burgers, but we got there in good time to get ALL our stuff on the plane and have some airport breakfast. Needless to say our little Angel was good as gold, he didn't even cry taking off or landing! After that flight, we renamed him ... Troy "frequent flyer" Woollam ... 'cause with such a good traveller, we are most definitely going to take him on a thousand holidays!

Our little Pie's first time on the airplane!

We went straight from the airport to Olivedale Clinic, knowing that Rose was at work, I went first with the little froggie in my arms. I knocked, Rose turned, she double took and boom ... tears all round. She was so shocked and so happy ... I had to warn her that although we're at a hospital and she would most probably be 100%, we don't want her to have a heart attack!
Granny Rose's face seeing the little Frog!

After meeting up with Rose, we were dying to show all the friends our beautiful boy, so off we went to Marc and Gary's office. All the wives and a few other friends all made their way there and it was so nice to introduce our little man to all our amazing friends!

From the right: Sim with her beautiful little Julie, Marc & Lauren, Gary with our baba Troy on his lap, John, Stacey with the cutest little Jemma and the proud little mommy .. me!

Stacey and Troy's little "girlfriend" Jemma!

Sim and the little Julie
Sim and Anton's second little baba is due in 4 weeks time ... good luck guys, we can't wait to meet the new little baba!

The Love-Birds, Marc and Lauren!

This was so cute! The 3 boys, with their little bundles ... well, accept Marc, he had to borrow Julie for this picture! Unfortunately Julie's daddy Anton already left by this time.

Marc with Anton & Sim's Julie, Gary with his Jemma and John and our little Troy!

Jemma going in for a kiss!

How cute, they're already best friends!

The boys with their little toys!

So special!

Gary and Jemma!

Sim and Julie!

The mommies with their babes!

Troy was dying to meet his new aunt, uncle and cousins, so off we went to Fourways Gardens to introduce little Troy.

The Ruest's with their new little family member!

Nick, Debs and little Troy!

Every morning Troy is all smiles, so beautiful and so happy, so as mommy's do ... I was just snapping away!

Ready for the day!

Rose's friends had a surprise birthday tea for her at Sue McKenzie's house. It was such a beautiful surprise. Granny called us ... she just HAD to show off her beautiful little grandson to all her girlfriends!

60 and never looked happier!

Rose and Sue with her special gift!

Granny and the Froggie!

Tuesday night we had a dinner at Debs and Ken.
Debs with Troy, Rose Ruest, John and Ken.

Troy with his Granny and Great-Aunt Ann.

Debs, Rose, Troy and John

Rose with her 3 Grandchildren
Karina, Troy and Nick

Wednesday Morning Smiles!

Saying goodbye to his cousins!

The two striking a pose!

Troy with his cousins!

On our way back home ...

My boys at Lanseria Airport on our way home!

My beautiful boy!